Write Here, Write Now are the RSA's online writing sessions, which run monthly from September - November 2024.
Write Here, Write Now are the RSA's online writing sessions, which run monthly from September - November 2024.
We invite you to join us online for the 2021 RSA Annual President’s Lecture and AGM.
The Regional Studies Association invites you to a series of five webinars which will replace this year’s in-person Winter Conference.
Welcome to join the first online seminar of the Gender and Regional Studies network of the Regional Studies Association. In this session, we will be discussing the gendered and spatial aspects of working from home with Dr. Darja Reuschke who will present on the subject of home working during COVID-19, and Dr. Elizabeth Wagemann along with Dr. Beth Simons and Victoria Maynard.
2020 was the most extraordinary of years when conferences have been cancelled or postponed and normal flows of researcher engagement and networking have been heavily disrupted. So, what is the plan for 2021, a year in which we all hope that vaccines will roll out globally and we will slowly see a welcome return to more social interaction? A small number of societies and research-led organisations have come together and agreed that rather than run competing events we will contribute to co-hosting a festival of regional and related research. This multi-partner event will run globally, online from 2nd June - 18th June 2021. Read on to learn more about it.
The workshop is open to and could benefit researchers who wish to explore new approaches to doing research on regional entrepreneurship, regional economics and economic geography, regional innovation, and other social science disciplines, involving citizens. The workshop should also be of value to policy makers and practitioners engaged in working with and engaging citizens in local projects.
In this workshop we will ask the question which tasks are a time-eater and which tasks are a career-progressor.
Join us on a virtual journey across the globe. There will be stops in different territories, bringing together the Regional Studies communities.
The Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference 2020 #RSA20 will be our largest knowledge exchange and networking gathering to date. This four-day conference brings together academics and policymakers to exchange news, views and research findings from the fields of regional studies and science, regional and economic development, policy and planning.
Our aim is to provide a platform for network building and to offer conversations with established female researchers in an informal setting.
As in previous years, the RSA will have a strong presence at this year’s American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting.
#RSAEC is the RSA’s inaugural carbon choice conference allowing both attendance in person at Staffordshire University and also remote, virtual participation from your own location. The development of this conference recognises the environmental impact and social, financial and opportunity costs of travelling to conferences.
The RSA Russia Division’s Workshop will be held as part of the XIV conference “Russian Regions in the Focus of Changes” which will take place between 14th -16th November 2019, in Yekaterinburg
We invite you to join us for dinner and our Annual Awards Ceremony to celebrate contributions to the field, both at personal and institutional levels.
A timely opportunity to discuss and debate important issues in regional research.
Our aim is to provide a platform for network building and to offer conversations with established female researchers in an informal setting.
Experts in academic publishing, funding and impact will be present during the conference and provide insights into how to publish in academic journals, how to build a professional network, how to promote your publications, how and where to apply for funding and how to increase the impact of your work.
The University Sessions are organised by the EC, DG for Regional and Urban Policy, DG Employ and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) advised by RSA Europe and with cooperation of the ERSA and AESOP.
The Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy for PhD students and ECR is run as part of the 17th European Week of Regions and Cities.
The 2019 RSA Latin American Division Conference in Bogotá will focus on understanding the formal and informal institutional processes through which local economic development occurs.
This conference provides opportunity for urban and regional scholars to grapple with complexities of innovation and change, questioning the institutions that organize and channel it, and exploring the actors who instigate and cope with consequences of change.
The 2019 RSA CEE conference showcases challenges, determinants and perspectives of development of different kind of metropolises and peripheries in CEE.
The Workshop is organised as a side event to the 2019 Annual Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.