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The post PhD period can include challenges and uncertainties around roles, locations, contracts and funding. This time of life also frequently coincides with personal change such as relationship change, family planning, buying of first homes, moving abroad and increased levels of travel. Mid-Career Scholars face new challenges in their academic career when starting a faculty position, e.g. a lectureship or an assistant professorship. In this period each scholar must find strategies to balance the different responsibilities in teaching, administration and research. Academics in this transition often make unconscious decisions about their style of leadership or teaching. An important element in dealing with these uncertainties and in taking conscious decisions is access to a strong network, the chance to plan and discuss career opportunities and the opportunity to discuss these issues with role models, mentors and coaches.
For this reason, the Regional Studies Association supports this members’ led network specifically designed for female early and mid-career researchers in the fields of regional studies and regional science. The aim is to provide a platform for network building and to offer conversations with established female researchers in an informal setting. By funding the workshop, the RSA hopes to give impetus to growing a strong network and a series of related events.
We aim to provide a forum for exchange led by participants wishes bringing in external support through coaches and experienced academics.