Political Disaffection in Europe’s Rust Belt Regions The aim of this project is to understand how a sustained decline in manufacturing has altered democratic life in affected societies. The central question of the project is: How has regional and local deindustrialization brought about a disenchantment with mainstream politics? The project focuses on two possible mechanisms […]
At the recent AGM of the Irish Section of the Regional Studies Association Justin Doran was elected to the role of Chairperson.
We are pleased to present the RSA Awards Winners 2016: Nathaniel Lichfield Award David Kingman Bartlett School of Planning, UCL, UK ‘How is the Planning System Addressing the Shortage of School Places in London? The Example of the London Borough of Bromley’ Routledge Award for Early Career Excellence Hugues Jeannerat, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland ‘Towards […]
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin Доктор экономических наук, Профессор Уральского федерального университета (Екатеринбург, Россия) Research interests: Regional and city economy, Development of industrial territories, Local government, Assessment of regulatory impact Исследовательские интересы: региональная и городская экономика, развитие промышленных территорий, местное самоуправление, оценка регулирующего […]
Laba diena, mieli RSA kolegos, kaip Regioninių studijų asociacijos (RSA) ambasadorius Lietuvai aš esu čia, kad padėčiau visiems besidomintiems regioninės plėtros ir regioninės politikos klausimais Lietuvoje. Jei jums rūpi šie klausimai ir jums reikia detalesnės ar išsamesnės informacijos, nedvejodami susisiekite su manimi. Hello dear RSA colleagues, As the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Ambassador to Lithuania, […]
For articles published in 2014: Best Referees for Regional Studies Lisa de Propris (University of Birmingham, UK) Robert Hassink (University of Kiel, Germany) Elvira Uyarra (University of Manchester, UK) Best Referee Spatial Economic Analysis (SEA) Kim Swales, University of Strathclyde, UK Best Referee Territory, Politics, Governance (TPG) Joseph Nevins (Vassar College, USA) Best Referee Regional […]
Tetiana Kornieieva is an international expert with over 20 years of professional experience in provision of Technical Assistance, Monitoring and Evaluation of development projects covering local economic development, regional development, local governance and decentralisation, public administration, social cohesion, territorial recovery and peacebuilding strategies, capacity building. Within these projects she provided policy advice directly to Central […]
This is a joint guest post by the RSA Early Career Representative, Julie Tian Miao & the RSA Student Representative, Eduardo Oliveira. The Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS) of the University of Sheffield hosted the 2014 edition of the Regional Studies Association Early Career conference. The conference was sponsored by the new open […]
Here at the RSA we are working in partnership with the EU Commission and Latvian Presidency to deliver a conference on the new Cohesion Policy for the 2014-2020 period. The conference will be shaped as an academic and policy debate. As part of this process we are launching a call for papers that will be […]
Best Book Award 2014 Voted for by the Regional Studies Association membership from a list of titles published in 2013: Dr Tassilo Herrschel, University of Westminster, UK Book title: Cities, States and Globalisation. Regions and Cities Book Series. Routledge. London. 2013 Nathaniel Lichfield Award 2014 Alan Zarychta, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, University of Colorado Boulder, USA […]
The recent release of Lord Adonis’ Growth Review has stirred some interesting recent debates, some of which argue that a more nuanced perspective is in order when looking at UK’s regions and their growth potentials. Such a critique comes from Mark Hart, Deputy Director of Enterprise Research Centre, and was published recently on startups.co.uk. Professor […]
Belgium is a country where the regional dimension plays a fundamental role. And Brussels is not just the capital city of Belgium, but also hosts the EU institutions. For these reasons, I am honoured to be the RSA contact person for both scholars and policymakers dealing with Belgian regional studies as well as with EU […]
This is a guest post by David Bailey, professor at Aston Business School. Recently Labour leader Ed Miliband promised “the biggest devolution of power to England’s great towns and cities in a hundred years” in a move which shifts Labour’s focus on local economic development away from the ‘old’ administrative regions as in RDA-days towards […]
A welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Switzerland, Hugues Jeannerat Chers et chères membres de la RSA en Suisse, Au cœur de l’Europe, la Suisse est, à de nombreux égards, un laboratoire économique, social, politique et environnemental du développement régional et urbain. N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez bénéficier du soutien […]
Best Book Award 2013 Voted for by the Regional Studies Association membership from a list of titles published in 2012: Professor Nicola Bellini, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Professor Mike Danson, Heriot-Watt University, UK Professor Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University, Denmark Book title: Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation? Networking, Knowledge and Regional Policies (2012). Nathaniel Lichfield Award 2013 […]
Guest blog: Professor David Bailey, Coventry University Business School, UK The Heseltine Plan appears to have been kicked into the long grass – by the current government at least. In something of a ‘rumble in the jungle’, Business Secretary Vince Cable last week poured cold water on Heseltine (or his plan at least). But […]
A system of financial transfer payments is employed in the Federal Republic of Germany as a means of compensating for substantial differences in the financial power of the federal states (Länder). For the year 2012, only three federal states, all located in southern Germany were net contributors while the remaining thirteen states were net recipients […]
In the previous blog post we highlighted our forthcoming conference in Tampere, Finland from 5 to 8 May this year. If this alone does not tempt you to book a place on the conference (still time to put an abstract in!) then the city of Tampere should. Tampere is the third largest city in Finland, […]
The deadline for abstract submission for the Regional Studies Association European Conference is fast approaching (Sunday 27th January). This year the conference is hosted by the University of Tampere in Finland and will take place from 5th – 8th May. The conference theme is ‘Shape and Be Shaped: the future dynamics of regional development’. […]
The 2012 Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference took place on 1st and 2nd November at Hafen City University in Hamburg. The conference under the title of Times of Change: Future Directions in Geography, Urban and Regional Studies examined the implications of the current economic and financial crisis for future of regional studies. Individual sessions covered a wide range […]
Head of Department for Human Geography, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Pozdravljeni, dobrodošli na straneh Združenja za regionalne študije, ki je eno vodilnih mednarodnih združenj s področja regionalnega razvoja, regionalne politike in regionalnega planiranja. Združenje povezuje pripadnike različnih strok in poklicev – znanstvenike, planerje, politike […]
Oto Hudec is a professor in Public Administration and Regional Development at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice (Slovak Republic). The systemic approach in his research on region, city and space is the impetus for linking the three main elements of the regional innovation system – public administration, business and research institutions and […]
Mário Vale has a Degree in Geography, a Master’s degree in Human Geography and Local and Regional Planning and a PhD Degree in Human Geography from the University of Lisbon. He holds a position as Full Professor at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon. He was Visiting Research Fellow at CURDS […]