Supporting Regions towards Net-Zero Journeys: Alignment of Strategies and Transformation between Universities and their Places Supported by the FeRSA Grant, this project aims to investigate dynamic relationships between universities and places throughout their journeys to net-zero solutions. Universities can be engines of societal transformation of their regions. They can play an important role as anchor institutions, […]

Older industrial towns at the frontier of new energy economies Transformation of energy systems in response to decarbonisation pressures is gathering pace. Moving from fossil-fuelled to renewable energy production involves shifts in energy production technologies, resource use and distribution systems, creating distinctive geographies of production. This project seeks to generate new insights into emerging geographies […]

Constructing markets for new path development. The role of the state. The aim of this project is to understand the role of strategic or deliberate state action in influencing the demand conditions for new regional path creation. The deliberate creation of markets is a relatively less explored dimension of path creation, both conceptually and in the […]

Addressing regional inequalities in innovation opportunities for BAME and disabled groups The Blog article is available here – Addressing regional inequalities in innovation opportunities for BAME and disabled groups Helen Lawton Smith has been awarded a Regional Studies Association Fellowship Grant (FeRSA) on ‘Addressing regional inequalities in innovation opportunities for BAME and disabled groups’. The […]

Can startups solve urban problems? Bridging the geography of innovation, procurement and smart city research Engaging startups in urban sustainability issues (e.g. mobility management, climate adaptation, social integration) is becoming a popular policy ambition in many cities and regions worldwide. The topic has gained a relevant place in regional innovation policy debates and, more recently, […]

Regional connectivity through global production networks in Europe and beyond: new policy approaches The assessment of the balance and complementarity between inward and outward global capital flows – in terms of creation/destruction and specialisation/diversification of regional and local economic activities, sectors and functions, employment, skills and innovation – is all the more urgent to enhance […]

Transition Regions and the Development of the Green Economy Recent years have seen growing interest by policy makers and academics in the development of the green economy, defined as being “low carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive”. This project will focus upon cities and regions as key locations where transitions towards a green economy are […]

The genesis of entrepreneurial ecosystems: the case of Atlantic Canada Entrepreneurial ecosystems is the latest buzz word in the lexicon of policy-makers, practitioners and the media and attracting considerable policy focus. Several studies have listed the attributes of entrepreneurial ecosystems. However, the emerging literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems takes a largely static approach, identifying their attributes. […]

RSA members are invited to visit the project blog/website for “Global infrastructure public-private partnerships and the geopolitics of city-regions” at . Read the blog article by Andy Jonas here: Andy Jonas’ interview Where did you hear about the grant? I saw it via the RSA e-bulletin that the Association emails on a monthly basis How did you find […]

Assessing the impact of ‘informal governance’ on devolution in English cities The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of ‘informal governance’ on devolution to English cities post the 2014 Scottish referendum. Informal governance can be defined as a means of decision-making that is un-codified, non-institutional and where social relationships and webs of […]