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Territories Categories: Northern Europe

We are pleased to present the RSA Awards Winners 2016: Nathaniel Lichfield Award David Kingman Bartlett School of Planning, UCL, UK ‘How is the Planning System Addressing the Shortage of School Places in London? The Example of the London Borough of Bromley’ Routledge Award for Early Career Excellence Hugues Jeannerat, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland ‘Towards […]

Laba diena, mieli RSA kolegos, kaip Regioninių studijų asociacijos (RSA) ambasadorius Lietuvai aš esu čia, kad padėčiau visiems besidomintiems regioninės plėtros ir regioninės politikos klausimais Lietuvoje. Jei jums rūpi šie klausimai ir jums reikia detalesnės ar išsamesnės informacijos, nedvejodami susisiekite su manimi. Hello dear RSA colleagues, As the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Ambassador to Lithuania, […]

For articles published in 2014: Best Referees for Regional Studies Lisa de Propris (University of Birmingham, UK) Robert Hassink (University of Kiel, Germany) Elvira Uyarra (University of Manchester, UK) Best Referee Spatial Economic Analysis (SEA) Kim Swales, University of Strathclyde, UK Best Referee Territory, Politics, Governance (TPG) Joseph Nevins (Vassar College, USA) Best Referee Regional […]

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This is a joint guest post by the RSA Early Career Representative, Julie Tian Miao & the RSA Student Representative, Eduardo Oliveira. The Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS) of the University of Sheffield hosted the 2014 edition of the Regional Studies Association Early Career conference. The conference was sponsored by the new open […]

Best Book Award 2014 Voted for by the Regional Studies Association membership from a list of titles published in 2013: Dr Tassilo Herrschel, University of Westminster, UK Book title: Cities, States and Globalisation. Regions and Cities Book Series. Routledge. London. 2013 Nathaniel Lichfield Award 2014 Alan Zarychta, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, University of Colorado Boulder, USA […]

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The recent release of Lord Adonis’ Growth Review has stirred some interesting recent debates, some of which argue that a more nuanced perspective is in order when looking at UK’s regions and their growth potentials. Such a critique comes from Mark Hart, Deputy Director of Enterprise Research Centre, and was published recently on Professor […]

Best Book Award 2013 Voted for by the Regional Studies Association membership from a list of titles published in 2012: Professor Nicola Bellini, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Professor Mike Danson, Heriot-Watt University, UK Professor Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University, Denmark Book title: Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation? Networking, Knowledge and Regional Policies (2012). Nathaniel Lichfield Award 2013 […]

Cienījamie Reģionālo pētījumu asociācijas (RSA) biedri! Asociācija ir starptautiska organizācija, kuras misija ir reģionālo pētījumu un reģionālās zinātnes attīstība, tāpēc akadēmiskajam personālam un studentiem, valsts un pašvaldību institūciju speciālistiem, kā arī citiem interesentiem ir iespēja izmantot RSA pētījumus reģionālās politikas un prakses pilnveidošanai. RSA organizētajās ikgadējās pasaules, Eiropas, reģionāla un vietēja mēroga konferencēs, izdotajos informatīvajos […]

Edgar Morgenroth is full Professor of Economics in DCU Business School, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. He is also an independent member of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association having served as its vice chairman and treasurer. […]

Welcome message from RSA Ambassador to Finland, Markku Sotarauta Markku Sotarauta is Professor of Regional Development Studies in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland. In 2011-2013, he served as the founding Dean of the School of Management and in 2009-2010 as the last Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration. […]

RSA on ilmselt dünaamilisimalt arenev regionaaluurijate organisatsioon maailmas, mis on oma liikmetele läbi Regional Studies jt. publikatsioonide, veebi ja arvukate konverentside-seminaride oluliseks erialaseks kohtumiskohaks. Eriti tõhusad on valdkondlikud väiksemad töögrupid, mis korraldavad RSA toetusel seminare, toimetavad kogumikke ja ajakirjade erinumbreid. RSA töös osalemine on kindlasti kasulik ka regionaalvaldkonna praktikutele, kes leiavad sealt enda probleemide lahendamiseks […]

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On the 11th of September this year, we reported that RSA Chief Executive Sally Hardy was planning to cycle from London to Slovenia. We were informed that, contrary to popular belief, this was not simply a new RSA membership drive but instead a much more ambitious charity fund-raising adventure that would pass through 7 countries […]

Best Referees Regional Studies 2012 Voted for by the editors of Regional Studies. Eckhardt Bode, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany Joaquin Azagra Caro, Institute of Management of Innovation & Knowledge, Spain Krisztina Varro, Radboud University, The Netherlands Best Referee Spatial Economic Analysis  Voted for by the editors of Spatial Economic Analysis Elisa Tosetti, […]

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If you happen to be watching television on Sunday 3 June 2012 you might see coverage of the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant, an event in London to celebrate 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II in the United Kingdom. “What on earth does this have to do with Regional Studies?”, you might ask. […]

Introduced to celebrate excellence, our winners for the 2011 RSA Awards are: Routledge RSA Award for Early Career Excellence 2011 This year, the jury decided to award the prize to two candidates due to the very high quality of their papers: Paolo Veneri, Department of Economics at Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy Paper Title: Urban Polycentricity and […]

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