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People Categories: Ambassador

The Chair of the RSA East of England Branch, Pete Tyler is Professor, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge and Director of Studies in Land Economy at St. Catharine’s College Peter Tyler is a Professor in Urban and Regional Economics. He has been a Project Director for over seventy major research projects for Government, […]

Dr. Canfei He is a Changjiang Scholar and Full Professor in Economic Geography at Peking University in China. He is the dean of college of urban and environmental sciences at Peking University and the deputy director of Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy. His main research interests include evolutionary economic geography […]

Verena  is trained as a spatial and regional planner and holds a PhD in the field of regional planning and regional economics, investigating the impact of a decentralized location pattern of universities on the development of their (rural) location region. Her recent research interests cover regional path development, especially regional sustainability transitions, strategic agency, institutional and […]

Amma Buckley

As an Australian Ambassador, it is a privilege to warmly welcome you to the Regional Studies Association (RSA) and to invite you to join a lively network of regional studies colleagues across the globe bringing many associated benefits and opportunities. My focus will be on the promotion and development of RSA activities in Australia, particularly […]

Hola y ¡bienvenidos!! ¡Hola y bienvenidos a todos los interesados en temas regionales! Como Embajador de la Asociación de Estudios Regionales (Regional Studies Association, RSA) en la Argentina me complace darles la bienvenida. La RSA es una asociación de alcance mundial interesada en la problemática regional. Si bien gran parte de sus miembros son académicos, […]

Elton Stafa

Elton is actively engaged as a consultant providing expert knowledge and technical assistance to the Government of Albania in developing and implementing effective decentralization policies, legislation and reforms through the USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project and Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Development.  He also works for the Network of Associations of Local Governments in South-East […]

Suntje Schmidt, Assistant Professor of Applied Economic Geography at the Humboldt University in Berlin, is the RSA Ambassador to Germany. “I am a researcher at the Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS, Department: Dynamics of Economic Spaces) as well as the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Junior Professor for Applied Economic Geography). Regions have always […]

My name is Ida Musiałkowska and I’m an Associate Professor at the Department of European Studies of the Poznań Univeristy of Economics and Business. I’ve been an active member of the Regional Studies Association since 2003 involved in organizing conferences, special sessions and co-editing of the special issues of many journals. My main aim as […]

Message from Sabine Dear esteemed enthusiasts of regional studies, It is my great pleasure to introduce myself as the RSA Ambassador to Luxembourg. Although the country is small within the worldwide representation of the Regional Studies Association and has a population of not even 600,000 people, it has a significant membership of the RSA. Having […]

Valeria Lingua has studied Regional Planning and Local Development at the Polytechnic of Turin and Amenagement at the Institute d’Urbanisme de Paris XII and has a PhD in  Regional planning and local development. She is a Researcher in Urban Planning (Ricercatore RTD/a ICAR/21) at the University of Florence, School of Architecture, where she teaches Urban […]

Como Embajador de la RSA en México me es grato invitar a todos los investigadores de nuestro país en el área de los estudios regionales a participar en nuestra organización. La Asociación de Estudios Regionales desde su inicio ha marcado pauta en los debates más importantes en esta disciplina a nivel internacional. Su liderazgo se […]

Miguel Flores Segovia

En un privilegio ser embajador de la RSA y como tal les doy la más cordial de las bienvenidas.  Con enorme placer y compromiso promoveré en Mexico y resto de Latinoamerica las oportunidades y beneficios  que ofrece la RSA a sus miembros, ésto con el objetivo de mejorar la cooperación de académicos, instituciones y asociaciones […]

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to New Zealand, Etienne Nel. I am very pleased to accept the position of RSA ambassador for New Zealand. I have had a career long interest in regional issues, regional inequality and the degree to which external interventions and local initiatives can address development challenges and enhance the quality […]

Доцент Марјан Николов, Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет Македонија Почитувани, Добредојдовте на страницата на Македонија во заедницата за регионални студии. Ми претставува особено задоволство и чест да ја претставувам Македонија во оваа заедница на истражувачи од цел свет. Преку оваа заедница може да си ги остварите своите академски цели во областа на економијата, политичките науки и просторното […]

Como embajadora en México, es un gusto darles la bienvenida a la Asociación de Estudios Regionales (RSA). La RSA es una asociación internacional que tiene como objetivo promover los más altos estándares de desarrollo teórico, análisis empírico y debate político sobre ciudades y regiones. La RSA tiene una extensa red internacional de embajadores que trabajan […]

Head of the Architectural Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Future University in Egypt الزملاء الأعزاء مصر هي أكبر دولة فى الشرق الاوسط من حيث اهميتها الإقليمية فى العديد من النواحي الجغرافية و الثقافية و التاريخية و الاقتصادية  و السياسية. و لقد شهدت مصر منذ ما يزيد عن 50 عاما العديد من […]

Miguel Atienza

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Chile, Miguel Atienza As Ambassador of the RSA in Chile I would like to welcome you to the Regional Studies Association (RSA).  I intend to promote and develop RSA activities in Chile and Latin America so keep in touch with me if you have any queries about the RSA. My […]

Geoff Gregson

RSA Ambassador to Canada: Dr. Geoff Gregson is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta and Senior Consultant in Research and Innovation with Alberta Health Services. He has an extensive background in the study of regional and national policies/programs related to R&D, scientific and business-university collaboration, enterprise support mechanisms and risk capital investment and […]

Oladayo Ramon Ibrahim

My country is a multi-tribe and multi-language country, therefore the English Language is the official language of the country. In my position as a country representative or ambassador of RSA for Nigeria, my goal is to lift the regional planning practice in Nigeria and sell the RSA idea to the generality of potential and interested […]

Laba diena, mieli RSA kolegos, kaip Regioninių studijų asociacijos (RSA) ambasadorius Lietuvai aš esu čia, kad padėčiau visiems besidomintiems regioninės plėtros ir regioninės politikos klausimais Lietuvoje. Jei jums rūpi šie klausimai ir jums reikia detalesnės ar išsamesnės informacijos, nedvejodami susisiekite su manimi. Hello dear RSA colleagues, As the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Ambassador to Lithuania, […]

Tetiana Kornieieva is an international expert with over 20 years of professional experience in provision of Technical Assistance, Monitoring and Evaluation of development projects covering local economic development, regional development, local governance and decentralisation, public administration, social cohesion, territorial recovery and peacebuilding strategies, capacity building. Within these projects she provided policy advice directly to Central […]

A welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Switzerland, Hugues Jeannerat   Chers et chères membres de la RSA en Suisse, Au cœur de l’Europe, la Suisse est, à de nombreux égards, un laboratoire économique, social, politique et environnemental du développement régional et urbain. N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez bénéficier du soutien […]

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