We are delighted to announce eight PhD positions (4 years) in the multidisciplinary science and technology studies (STS) project »Fixing Futures: Technologies of Anticipation in Contemporary Societies«, starting May 1, 2025, funded by the German Research Council (DFG) and based at Goethe University Frankfurt. The official call for applications will be published on October 23, 2024. With this […]
In the Faculty I – Educational and Social Sciences, the Institute of Social Sciences at the Chair of Organisation and Innovation has a PhD position (100%) in social science energy research. This person analyses interfaces between technologies (“sector coupling”) in institutional and social configurations using the example of and in collaboration with the technological research platform […]
As part of a Lower Saxony project consortium on the sustainability governance of global supply chains, two political science-oriented doctoral positions in the field of “Sustainability Policy and Governance of Global Value Chains (GVC)” are being advertised at the professorships of Andrea Lenschow (Osnabrück) and Jens Newig (Lüneburg): Administrative and legal implementation of Global Supply […]
As part of a Lower Saxony project consortium on the sustainability governance of global supply chains, two political science-oriented doctoral positions in the field of “Sustainability Policy and Governance of Global Value Chains (GVC)” are being advertised at the professorships of Andrea Lenschow (Osnabrück) and Jens Newig (Lüneburg): Administrative and legal implementation of Global Supply […]
Research Assistant (Postdoc) (m/f/d) (E 13 TV-G-U) to be filled for a limited period of 36 months at the earliest possible date. The salary grade is based on the job characteristics of the collective agreement applicable to Goethe University (TV-G-U). The project is jointly led by Prof. Dr. Birgit Becker and Dr. Thomas Zimmermann. The […]
The Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) bundles top-level research and transfer at an international level, thereby creating an interdisciplinary innovation network and an excellent science and technology location. Together with its renowned partners, the BTU forms the Lausitz Science Network – an alliance of research institutions that together want to further develop the strengths […]
Staying in or Moving out? – Quality of Life, Interregional Migration Decisions and Covid-19 Although COVID-19 is a global health emergency, it is experienced in local contexts, which may not all be equally equipped to offer good quality of life in pandemic conditions. Exogenous shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and associated “lockdown” policies, may […]
We are delighted to share news about our sister organisation, the RSA’s European Foundation delivering the first Commissioner Seminar on Cohesion Policy in Brussels this month. This seminar series is an initiative by Dr Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms and a collaborative venture organised between Commissioner Ferreira and her Cabinet; the European Commission’s […]
September saw the final events of the 2022 CEE Programme on Bridging Old and New Divides: Global Dynamics & Regional Transformations, including the 2022 CEE Conference held in Leipzig, Germany. The programme, originally planned for 2021, had been delayed due to the pandemic and we were pleased to finally being able to work with our partners […]
Nadir Kinossian is Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany. His research interests include territorial development, multilevel governance, cultural landscapes, and the post-socialist city. Recently, he has been working on the agentic and institutional aspects of change in old industrial regions in Europe and Russia. Currently, he is the Project […]
His prime scientific interests are within the fields of spatial planning instruments such as strategic spatial planning and place branding. His research involves also economic geography concepts and the embedding of these in evolutionary governance systems. His current research focuses on analyzing the effectiveness of strategic spatial planning instruments in supporting the social and economic […]
Spatial Foresight is a private consultancy and independent think tank in the area of European territorial policies and research. Most importantly, it is a multi-national and interdisciplinary team. It has its main office in Heisdorf (Luxembourg) and branch offices in Berlin (Germany) and Paris (France). The fields of activity bring together territorial development and policy […]
This article first appeared on ROBUST’s website and has been re-blogged with permission from the authors. Modern lives are increasingly multilocal – but rural-urban policies are often yet to catch up. ROBUST’s Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Ulla Ovaska and Theresia Oedl-Wieser reflect on what we know about multilocality, and what we should rethink as rural regions look ahead to futures beyond recovery. […]
Paula Prenzel is Assistant Professor of Regional Development at the University of Greifswald, Germany and leads a junior research group on the role of population structure in local economic development. She is particularly interested in how changes in population size and composition interact with regional disparities and innovation. Her research in economic geography engages with […]
Eduardo Oliveira is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate (with the aim of Habilitation) at the Economic Geography Working Group of the Department of Geography at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany. He teaches evolutionary economic geography and the interlinkage between sustainability principles and economic geography paradigms. His prime scientific interests are within the fields of spatial planning instruments […]
Name of event: KOSMOS Conference – Navigating the Sustainability Transformation in the 21st Century, Humboldt University Berlin The RSA Travel Grant allowed me to attend the KOSMOS Sustainability Conference in Berlin, where I presented a paper and also participated in a cutting-edge public conference format displaying some of my PhD work on low-carbon energy transitions. […]
Suntje Schmidt, Assistant Professor of Applied Economic Geography at the Humboldt University in Berlin, is the RSA Ambassador to Germany. “I am a researcher at the Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS, Department: Dynamics of Economic Spaces) as well as the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Junior Professor for Applied Economic Geography). Regions have always […]
A system of financial transfer payments is employed in the Federal Republic of Germany as a means of compensating for substantial differences in the financial power of the federal states (Länder). For the year 2012, only three federal states, all located in southern Germany were net contributors while the remaining thirteen states were net recipients […]
The 2012 Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference took place on 1st and 2nd November at Hafen City University in Hamburg. The conference under the title of Times of Change: Future Directions in Geography, Urban and Regional Studies examined the implications of the current economic and financial crisis for future of regional studies. Individual sessions covered a wide range […]
Commencing operation in 2021, a new tunnel will provide the final piece in the jigsaw linking the city of Hamburg in Germany to Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö in Sweden which together form the STRING region. This fixed link will complement the existing bridge crossing the Öresund strait between Denmark and Sweden which opened to […]