Date and Time
This RSA Research Network ESPPRIT brings together researchers working in the fields of Regional Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, Economic Geography, and Governance and Policy Studies to critically engage with eco-social transformations. By examining changes “from below” through social innovation and “from above” through social policy, the network aims to contribute conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and empirical approaches to identifying pathways for deep-seated transformations. For more information on the ESPPRIT network and our objectives, please click here to visit our page.
The ESPPRIT network is inviting you to join the first workshop and kick-off of the network taking place Tuesday 28th May, 09:00am-11:00am BST.
Theme of the event: Eco-Social Policy and Practice for Innovation and Transformation (ESPPRIT)
The workshop will focus on the status quo of Regional Studies in systematically addressing regional transformations, different disciplinary approaches to the systematic reorganisation of society and the strengths and limitations of strategies promoting sustainable wellbeing.
- Astrid Krisch, University of Oxford, UK
- Lucas Barning, TU Wien, Austria
- Sarah Ware, WU Wien, Austria
- Alexander Hamedinger, TU Wien, Austria
- Introduction by the network’s organisers
- Keynotes by Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University, UK and Tuuli Hirvilammi, Tampere University, Finland followed by Q&A
- Opportunities to engage: Contribute research interests and expectations in participating in the network
Keynote Speakers
Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University, UK
Kevin Morgan is Professor of Governance and Development in the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University, where he is also the Dean of Engagement. His interests include the theory, policy and practice of place-based innovation systems; multi-level governance regimes; experimental governance; sustainable food systems; and the foundational economy. Apart from his academic work he has worked with the European Commission, the OECD, and numerous governments, development agencies and civil society organisations in Europe.

For more information on ESPPRIT and upcoming events, please see our research network page.
Tuesday 28th May 2024
09:00am – 11:00am BST