We are delighted to have John Harrison, Editor of the Urban and Regional Horizons section of the academic journal, Regional Studies, present the 2022 Award for Best Paper in Urban and Regional Horizons to Nora G. Bækkelund of the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences for her paper ‘Change agency and reproductive agency in the […]
We are pleased to award the 2022 Regional Leadership Award to European Policies Research Centre. We are delighted to have Jessie Poon, Chair of the Regional Studies Association to present the award to Director, John Bachtler, in our virtual ceremony.
We are delighted to have Klaus Dodds (Royal Holloway University of London), and Editor-in-Chief of the Territory Politics Governance present the 2022 Territory Politics Governance Best Referee Award to Carolyn Cartier of the University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
We are delighted to have Phil Tomlinson (University of Bath), and Editor of the Regional Studies Policy Debates section present the 2022 Regional Studies Policy Debates Best Paper Award to John Gibney (University of Birmingham), Joyce Liddle and John Shutt (both from Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University) for their paper entitled ‘Brexit disruption and transborder […]
Established in 1980 in Milan, CSIL is an independent research and consulting company specialising in applied economic research with specific expertise in regional, industrial, research and innovation policies. CSIL’s experts are driven by the search for hard facts that tell relevant stories and by a genuine passion for understanding growth and innovation processes. Over the […]
We are pleased to award the 2022 Distinguished Service to Regional Studies Award to James Walsh, Maynooth University, Ireland. We are delighted to have John Bachtler, representing the Board of the Regional Studies Association to present the award in our virtual ceremony.
We are pleased to award the 2022 Regional Studies Institutional Ambassador Award to the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We are delighted to have Sally Hardy, CEO Regional Studies Association awarding the 2022 Regional Studies Institutional Ambassador Award to Professor Weidong Liu, Deputy Director-General of the […]
We are pleased to announce the winners for the 2022 RSA Student and Early Career Awards. The Regional Studies Association have determined that all the winners have made an original and outstanding contribution to the field of regional studies. Mia Gray, University of Cambridge, UK and the Secretary of the RSA and the Chair of […]
We are delighted to share news about our sister organisation, the RSA’s European Foundation delivering the first Commissioner Seminar on Cohesion Policy in Brussels this month. This seminar series is an initiative by Dr Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms and a collaborative venture organised between Commissioner Ferreira and her Cabinet; the European Commission’s […]
September saw the final events of the 2022 CEE Programme on Bridging Old and New Divides: Global Dynamics & Regional Transformations, including the 2022 CEE Conference held in Leipzig, Germany. The programme, originally planned for 2021, had been delayed due to the pandemic and we were pleased to finally being able to work with our partners […]
The RSA is pleased to announce the publication of our 7th Policy Impact book – Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions by Stephen Parkes and Ed Ferrari. The past decade has seen substantial progress towards the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). Accompanying the technological developments, there has been much dialogue around the potential […]
We join the UK and international community in mourning the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As a mark of respect, on Monday 19th September 2022, the Regional Studies Association office will be closed for the State Funeral. We will reopen on Tuesday 20th September.
We welcome Simon Clarke MP to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities and we offer any help to him as he begins to understand the depth and breadth of his portfolio. Our Policy Impact book Levelling Up Left Behind Places: The Scale and Nature of the Economic and Policy Challenge, co-authored by Professor […]
We were very much saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and we are thinking of the Royal Family at this very difficult time.
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: the Challenges Facing Cities and Regions Authors: Ed Ferrari and Stephen Parkes Over the last decade there has been substantial progress towards the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). As the technology that provides CAVs with the ability to undertake more advanced driving tasks has reached the real-world testing stage, […]
This edited volume presents a compendium of emerging and innovative studies on the proliferation of new working spaces (NeWSps), both formal and informal (such as coworking spaces, maker spaces, fab labs, public libraries, and coffee shops), and their role during and following the COVID-19 pandemic in urban and regional development and planning. This book has […]
The RSA is pleased to announce that its Research Network Grant Scheme is open once more. The scheme was placed on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic and has now been reinstated with a deadline of 29 November 2022. The maximum funding for a Research Network is: £10,000 (c. $13,300; c. €11,800) for newly established networks; £7,500 (c. $10,000; […]
Sign up for an RSA membership* before midnight on the 21st August 2022 and you can participate in our Free Book Offer, where you can get a free book from our Regions and Cities Series. See below for a full list of the books available. Please be aware that there are a limited number of […]
REGIONAL STUDIES Call for Expression of Interest: Regular Editor (two positions available) June 2022 The Regional Studies Association (RSA) seeks to appoint two Editors for the international journal Regional Studies (RS) published by Routledge. Regional Studies is a leading international journal covering the development of theories and concepts, empirical analysis and policy debate in the field […]
Call for an Editor for TERRITORY, POLITICS, GOVERNANCE The Regional Studies Association seeks to appoint an Editor to the journal, Territory, Politics, Governance. The successful candidate will join the existing team of Co-Editors in managing the peer review of general submissions in their area of expertise, enhancing the journal’s reputation as a world-leading publication in […]
Sadly in August, we say goodbye to Katharina Bürger, our Conference and Project Manager. Katharina has been with us since 2018 and is a well-known face at our conference, and behind the scenes at our Professional Development webinars. As one of our most organised people in the staff team, she will be sorely missed by all of […]
Regional Studies Association (RSA) and the Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) are pleased to announce a new journal — Finance and Space. The journal would be online only, with articles published as soon as they emerge from the review and production process. Finance and Space aims to publish and promote state-of-the-art research on diverse aspects of the spatial production of finance and […]
Convocatoria recepción de artículos: Perspectivas latinoamericanas en los estudios regionales Plazo: 15 de septiembre 2022 Escriba sobre su investigación en curso o recientemente completadas en estudios regionales sobre América Latina Escriba y publique la versión del blog en español y la compartiremos junto con una versión traducida en inglés. Más información y enviar el blog a: rsablog@regionalstudies.org / @rsa_blog Requisitos del blog […]
We are pleased to welcome Dr Mohammed Firoz of the Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut as the new Digital Editor of our journal Area Development and Policy. Dr Firoz currently serves as a visiting faculty member at the Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand. His research revolves around the […]