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Special Issues

Calls for papers

To see current special issue calls, click here.

Submitting a special issue

Regional Studies welcomes proposals for special issues that:

(1) fit with the journal’s aims and scope,
(2) significantly contribute to earlier and current debates and research in regional studies,
(3) guarantee sufficient coherence, complementarity and diversity across contributions.

Proposals are reviewed against these criteria by members of the editorial board and revisions may be requested before they are accepted. All special issues must be approved in advance and, even when accepted, the final published content remains subject to the peer review of the individual contributions. Guest editors will be required to host an open call for papers as part of the journal’s commitment to ensuring diversity and openness, but a list of pre-selected papers should also be included in the initial proposal.

If you would like to propose a special issue for publication in the journal, please complete the information sheet and submit it according to the instructions.

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