In just 24 years (1989-2013), the EU Cohesion Policy has
shifted its main strategic intervention goals several times. In short, while in
earlier times a stronger focus was put on (i) improving human capital; (ii)
supporting companies; and (iii) building and modernizing physical
infrastructures, the present development paradigm, expressed in the Europe 2020
Strategy (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth), highlights the need to
develop a greener and more competitive economy, based on knowledge and
innovation, while fostering a high-employment economy, which delivers social
and territorial cohesion.
This also reflects the Lisbon Treaty’s recognition that the
European Union needs not only to promote social and economic cohesion, but also
‘territorial cohesion’. Yet, as the Territorial Agenda (TA2020) from 2011
expresses, ‘the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive
growth can only be achieved if the territorial dimension of the strategy is
taken into account, as the development opportunities of the different regions
The same document (TA2020), highlights the need to deepen
the territorial dimension of EU Cohesion Policy by ‘strengthening mechanisms
which can ensure the territorial coordination of its interventions; improving
the territorial dimension of all steps of strategic programming, evaluation and
monitoring activities; ensuring scope for integrated place-based programmes and
projects, and integrating different funds in regional strategies’. Achieving
this, however, remains a major challenge. This workshop aims to further discuss
this question and shed new light on three of the main aspects associated with
the Territorial Dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy, for the next programming
cycle (2014-2020).
We invite all those interested to submit abstracts for
research papers which should include a description of the conceptual framework,
research questions, methods, and a statement on the main findings and
contribution to knowledge related with the topics of the Workshop.
- Abstracts of up to 1000 words should be submitted to:
- Abstract should include: Title, names of all the authors, affiliation and full contact details
- Open: September 7, 2015
- Close: September 25, 2015
- Acceptance notification: October 1, 2015
- Final programme: October 5, 2015
- For any question on the submission, please contact or
The workshop will focus on the following topics:
1. Assessing
territorial impacts at the various spatial levels
How to effectively
implement TIA (Territorial Impact Assessment) procedures in the EU Member
States, in order to achieve the goal of the present EU Cohesion Cycle in
putting more emphasis in assessing the results of the implemented
projects/programmes? What can be the role of ESPON in perfecting and unifying
the existing TIA methods and techniques? What is the importance of the urban
dimension in the evaluation of the EU Cohesion Policy, considering that urban
areas absorb the lions-part of the EU structural funds?
2. Implementing the Territorial Agenda and the European
Spatial Development Perspective
How can the EU Cohesion Policy be an effective vehicle in
implementing the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) and the
Territorial Agenda priorities of promoting a more polycentric and balanced
territorial development? Are the Territorial Agenda’s main goals being included
within the territorial development strategies of the EU Member States? What are
the different storylines and experiences in implementing place-based strategies
in Europe?
3. Achieving territorial cohesion in the EU
The Lisbon treaty goal of promoting ‘economic, social and
territorial cohesion, and solidarity among Member States’ is still a far cry
from the reality. How can the EU Cohesion Policy be more effective in
contributing to the achievement of this ultimate goal of territorial
development? What can be the role of Territorial Cooperation in this endeavour?
How to make the most out of EU Cohesion Policy interventions in less developed
regions, particularly in times of financial and economic crisis?
The Regional Studies Association (RSA) Research Network on EU
Cohesion Policy aims at providing a forum for debating EU cohesion policy, its
effectiveness, impacts, paradoxes, and its future. Through the organisation of
six highly successful international workshops and of several special sessions
at the recent RSA conferences, since 2011, the Network has succeeded in
bringing together academics investigating EU cohesion policy as well as
practitioners working with this policy at the EU, national and regional levels.
The workshops addressed the key issues structuring the debate on the assessment
of the effectiveness and impacts of EU cohesion policy as well as its reform in
the run-up to the 2014-2020 period. The Network creates opportunities for
inspiring exchanges of ideas, has helped to foster new research collaborations
and has led to joint publications.
Network partners:
- Eduarda Costa and Eduardo Medeiros, IGOT, University of Lisbon: /;
- Ida Musiałkowska – Poznań University of Economics:;
- Laura Polverari and John Bachtler, EPRC, University of Strathclyde:;;;
- Magdalena Sapała (IES) and Nicola Francesco Dotti (COSMOPOLIS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel: /;
- Marcin Dąbrowski, Department of Urbanism, TU Delft:;
- Oto Potluka, Unviersity of Economics Prague:
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Andreas Faludi
Em.Prof. of Spatial Policy Systems in Europe, Delft University
of Technology, NL.Studied architecture and planning at the Vienna University of
Technology and did his PhD there as well. His academic career started at what
is now Oxford Brooks University, followed by chairs at Delft University of
Technology, the University of Amsterdam and at Radboud University Nijmegen, and
since 2005 back at Delft where he is now emeritus professor. He also holds
occasional teaching assignments at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden
where he was awarded an honorary doctorate. He specialized at planning theory
and methodology. He was a British Council Scholar, an Australian-European
Fellow, a Fulbright Scholar, a Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced
Study in Social Science and the Humanities, a European Fulbright Scholar and a
Fellow of the Bellagio Rockefeller Center and has been visiting professor at
several Universities. He has a large number of reference publications in
European and world context. He is an Honorary Member of the Royal Town Planning
Institute (RTPI) and the Association of European Schools of Planning.
Prof. Kai Böhme
Dr Kai Böhme is director of Spatial Foresight GmbH. He
specialises in European regional and territorial research and policies,
international comparative studies in the fields of regional development
policies, spatial planning, and in the territorial impacts of sector policies.
He has a truly European background and considerable experience in policy advice
at the European and national level as well as in the management of
international applied research and consultancy projects.
Prof. Jacek Zaucha
Professor of Economic of University of Gdańsk, research
fellow of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, founder of the Development
Institute, former Deputy Secretary of the intergovernmental co-operation
„Visions and Strategies around the Baltic Sea VASAB 2010”, former Chairman of
the VASAB working group on ICZM and Maritime Spatial Planning, former member of
the Senior official group of the Baltic Agenda 21, member of the team of the
Scientific Advisers to the Polish Ministry of the Regional Development
responsible for preparation of the first draft of the National Spatial
Development Concept, member of the drafting team for updating EU Territorial
Agenda, author of two pilot maritime spatial plans in Poland, author of more
than one hundred scientific publications.
Prof. Maria Prezioso
Maria Prezioso is Full professor of Economic Geography and
Economics and Territory at Faculty of Economics University of Rome Tor Vergata.
From 2000, she is European partner and Lead of several European project (ESPON,
Urbact, ENPI CiBMed, Cadzis, UERA, etc.) by a network of academic research
bodies as expert in sustainability and cohesive spatial planning, territorial
competiveness, regional and municipality development by patented TIA and SEA
processes (STeMA) and GIS. She is author and editor of more than 250 national
and international publications and handbooks and board of US Social Sciences
journal. She was Rector Responsibility person for Integrated Strategic
Assessment; is member of the Italian Association of Geographers, expert member
of the Italian National Council of Public Works and scientific expert and
National Contact Point for the ESPON Programme 2013 and 2020 under the Italian
Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports. Actually she is teaching to
bachelor degree and master degree courses, and PhD School in Political
Geography and PhD School in Management and Local Development; is Director of
Academic Spin-off ‘STeMA project and of II Level Master MEPE (European
Economics and planning for sustainable territorial development) and STeMA-GIS
Wolfgang Petzold
Wolfgang Petzold is head of unit in the communication
department of the European Committee of the Regions, the EU’s assembly of
regional and local representatives in Brussels since 2008. Before, he worked
for ten years for the European Commission’s Regional Policy and Employment and
Social Affairs Directorate-Generals. Being a sociologist, Wolfgang graduated
from the University of Bremen in 1983 and began his career in the field of
adults’ education and continued with EU programme management in a regional
ministry for economic and European affairs. He published several books and
articles on EU cohesion policy and lectures at the University of Applied
Sciences in Bremen since 1999. He is member of the German branch of the EU
Studies Association (AEI), the Regional Studies Association (RSA) and its research
committee, as well as of the editorial board of the journal European Structural
and Investment Funds (EStIF).
5 November 2015
14:00 Registration and coffee
14.30 Welcome
- Eduardo Medeiros (CEG) / Eduarda Costa (CEG)
- Mário Vale (Director of CEG-UL)
- (Vice-Dean of UL)
15:00 Exploring
the Territorial Dimension of EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020:
- Keynote Speaker – Andreas
Faludi, Delft Univ. (The territorial dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy) - Wolfgang Petzold, Committee of the Regions (The role of the Regions in the EU Cohesion
Policy) - Chair – João Ferrão (ICS) – To be confirmed
16:15 Coffee
16.45 Books
- Andreas Faludi (Delft Univ.) and Daniel Rauhut (Norwegian
Institute for Urban and Regional Research, NIBR) – presentation of the book
Services of general interest: European perspectives and national insights, eds.
Heinz Fassmann, Daniel Rauhut, Eduarda Marques da Costa, Alois Humer - Luís Moreno (CEG – Lisbon Univ.) – presentation of the book
Territorial Impact Assessment, ed. Eduardo Medeiros
17.30 Closing
6 November 2015
09:00 Session I
– Implementing the Territorial Agenda and the ESDP:
- Key Note Speaker Jacek Zaucha (University of Gdansk)
- Speaker 1
- Speaker 2
- Chair – (Agency for Development and Cohesion)
11:00 Coffee
11.30 Session II
– Assessing territorial impacts at the various spatial levels:
- Key Note Speaker:
Kai Böhme (Spatial Foresight GmbH) - Speaker 1
- Speaker 2
- Chair – Eduardo Medeiros (CEG-IGOT – Lisbon University)
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Session III – Achieving territorial
cohesion in the EU:
- Key Note Speaker:
Maria Prezioso (University of Rome – Tor Vergata) - Speaker 1
- Speaker 2
- Chair – Eduarda Costa (CEG-IGOT – Lisbon University)
16:30 Closing Session
- Eduardo Medeiros (CEG) / Eduarda Costa (CEG)
- General Direction of Territory
- Maria Lucinda Fonseca (IGOT Director)
17.00 End of session
The Venue
- Conference room of the Institute of Geography and Spatial
Planning. (IGOT) – University of Lisbon Campus. - Avenida Professor Anibal Bettencourt
- Metro station: Cidade Universitária or Entrecampos
The institution
The Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) –
University of Lisbon was created in 2009 and aims at promoting geography and
planning higher education, advanced training and research. The Centre of
Geographical Studies (CEG) is the research unit of IGOT. The Centre of
Geographical Studies (CEG) is the research unit of IGOT. Established in 1943,
CEG is the main Portuguese institution conducting research in the field of
Geography. The research environment at CEG –IGOT benefits from belonging to the
Universidade de Lisboa, which is the largest and one of the most prestigious
universities in Portugal.
CEG is organised in three Thematic Lines, which coordinate
the activities of 7 Research Groups. Currently, around 200 researchers, of
which 78 PhD graduates, work at CEG. CEG work is global in scope and addresses
cutting-edge subjects of contemporary Human and Physical Geography and Planning
inquiries, aiming at contributing to theoretical, methodological and empirical
knowledge on the field. CEG owns and publishes continuously since 1965 the
prestigious journal Finisterra. CEG is involved in several collaborative
research partnerships and networking activities, both at international and
national scales. It also has a high quality of research environment and
facilities, such as a specialized library and a vast Map Collection. Local
Organizers: Eduardo Medeiros and Eduarda Costa.