Regions Cities Industry Webinar: Global Value Chains and Regional Recovery after Covid-19
Professor Joan Fitzgerald, Northeastern Universtiy, USA
Paul Hockenous, Journalist, Germany
Dr. Rogério Studart, The New Climate Economy at the World Resources Institute, USA
Open to all and free to attend, this webinar series aims to bring experts in the field of regional studies, science and policy to you. The webinar can be watched live but will also available on demand. The webinars will run live once a month and feature researcher and policymaker experts. They include time for discussion, questions and comments.
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Prof. Fitzgerald’s latest book is Greenovation: Urban Leadership on Climate Change (Oxford Univ. Press, 2020), which examines leading practices in North America and Europe. Her article, Cities on the Frontlines, appeared in a special issue of the American Prospect on the Green New Deal in December 2019. She published this op-ed as a leading expert to the C-40 Cities Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force.

Paul Hockenos is a Berlin-based writer who has been working in Europe since 1989. His work appears in The Nation, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs,, The New York Times, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and elsewhere. He has authored several books on European politics and was an editor at Internationale Politik. He served in the postwar administrations in the Balkans and was a fellow at the American Academy in Berlin.

Rogério Studart is a senior fellow of the World Resources Institute, currently working on the new climate economy, an initiative to promote policies guided by evidence-based analysis of costs, benefits, and opportunities of the much-needed transitions to low-carbon growth.
Dr. Studart is a non-resident fellow of Brazil’s Center of International Relations – CEBRI and a distinguished fellow at the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils. Previously he was an executive director to the World Bank Group, representing Brazil and eight other nations. In this capacity in different years, he was a member of every executive board committee, represented Brazil at the meetings of the g-20 and other international forums.
Dr. Studart was also Executive Director for Brazil and Suriname at the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IADB), having acted as chairman of several of its board committees. He has also held positions with the United Nations in Santiago, Chile, and in Geneva, Switzerland, and at the Chase Manhattan Bank of Brazil.
Dr. Studart is an economist by profession and holds a Ph.D. from the University of London, England.
He is an award-winning scholar, published books and several articles on macroeconomics, finance, and development finance, and columns in different news media around the world.