Dear RSA members and readers we want to bring to your attention that NEMOG Consortium (New Economic Models for Digital Games) are holding the first NEMOG Symposium on ‘New Business Models for Games for Science and Society’ at Cass Business School in London on Tuesday, 16 December 2014.
The NEMOG project is investigating how we can innovate new business models to create commercial, social and scientific value from games and gameplay data, and how data mining techniques can be harnessed to understand game players in unprecedented detail.
This event will focus upon business models and will feature a keynote speech by Nicholas Lovell, founder of Gamesbrief and author of the bestseller ‘The Curve – From Freeloaders to Superfans’, in addition to a lively panel discussion on business models and opportunities for obtaining new social/scientific values from games.
After coffee (13:30-14:00), the main event will run from 14:00-18:00 with an informal evening event (on the theme of Business Models for Games) co-hosted by Playgen from 18:00-21:00.
If you would like to attend please RSVP to the NEMOG Administrator: Sarah Christmas T: + 44 (0)1904 325334,
The full event schedule, and further information, can be viewed on the NEMOG webpages. For directions, please see Cass Business School, Bunhill Row.
Please feel free to pass this invitation to contacts working in related areas (who are also required to RSVP).