The Delft conference has been and gone, and it was a very successful and enjoyable event! Hundreds of papers were presented, lots of new friends were made and many old friends were able to re-connect. The RSA blog squad are also able to report that the fine hostelries of Deflt continue to serve fine quality products.
But this post is about something else. Today we want to publicise the fact that for the first time you can now see what happened at the conference via the video capture of the live stream from the opening session, chaired by former RSA Chair Professor Gordon Dabinett from the University of Sheffield, UK. Just click on the image below to see the opening session and some great presentations…
This innovation has been welcomed by our members (and non-members) and the view count is mounting up! Since the moment we announced on the RSA twitter page that we’d be doing this, interest has been growing. Of course, this is partly due to the expert handling of this media by the TU Delft team but also down to Gordon Dabinett’s super-efficient chairing of the session. The role of Chair for the opening session now involves running to an even tighter schedule and as you’ll see from the video this was expertly handled!
Now that we’re all back to our ‘normal’, busy lives the memories of Delft may fade but the video will be there forever. Well, perhaps not forever but for a long time.
Next up, Beijing! Look out for a Beijing blog in the near future…